Sunday, March 20, 2005

G-DAY is finally over!

.........huffffffffffffffff...The GMAT is finally over! Though not in the desired fashion but its finally over. On the GDAY i started the day in an unusual saturday as i wished myself a very good morning! ( As generally satudays are good afternoons for me!!) Had a good breakfast and some worship, and yes got a call too from my office. But solved the matter soon and started from my home at correct time.

The roads here in US are simply kinda impeccable in contrast with the roads(?) in M.P. India. Even a driver like me can drive at 80 miles/hr :). Reached the test centre coolly and did all the formalities. Then i sat on the 4hr chair and i started confidently............

The first hour was fun as i wrote a real nice argument analysis followed by another good issue analysis. I think i would get real good score at AWA.
Then i took a break and boy the confidence was simply exuding from within! I started with quants and finished in comfortable zone, given the trend of consistent 50s i had been scoring in the mocks.
Then came the last round where i knew i am not a good player. Played cautiously but had to finish the section in hurry as i ran out of time. In order to evade the penalty skipped last two or three questions with pure guesses. And here came the end. I knew that the performance is not exceptional. But whether i have crossed the iSB average of 690 was the question i was asking.

And finally it popped up in front of me. It was 680 on the screen, missed the 690 mark by 10 pts. Maths; as consistent as 50. But the verbal played the devil; scored 31 in verbal. So its over i told myself!

Came back home though after two arduous hours of confused driving as i was lost on my way back home. Boy i drove all over, left, right and center; but wasnt able to get it correct. Finally found the way home thanks to an old lady who helped me. Those two hours were more draining than the 4 hrs i spent at the testing centre!!
Well its time now to relax a little bit! read a bit, sing a bit and code some bytes!! Till then bye bye.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Who Am I?? - II

.......A long pause. And then the outer facade broke loose and told the inner voice about all the vagaries of nature ( The software major and its Visa policies and the long maintainability of the systems it deployed at clients' sites....), and the societieal pressures to go to US!!. But the major reason still remained hidden in the graveard of my much-cherished dreams to....He tried his best to not to opened the pandora's box...but with whom he was juggling?? The inner voice, which knew about the deepest inners of my heart, soul and mind!

The question came as a bolt from the blue! "What about the much-torn-yet-not-extinct dream of yours?". And I played again the much old trick.....with a too naive face " Which one? I dont know what you are talking about?"

HAHAHAHA......a huge laughter broke the silence. "Good try! But i am too old for that....what about CAT and IIMS and an MBA??". Its difficult to stand such a too-dare-bare question. It creates the picture of a person who read The Alchemist but still couldnt follow his personal legend because......hid did a compromise with his dream! Compromise to go to US thanks to the fact diary he had...2 serious attempts at CAT with no outcome; filling up of the CAT form for last 5 years like a family tradition and yes parental pressure!

And the verdict was that i couldnt play a Howard Roark denying all those onsite appear in yet another CAT....But he wasnt the much revered character of Ayn Rand's Fountainhead........He was a mere mortal....Nitin!!

Enough scracthing of yesteryears' broken(s)!Lets move on.........!Will write a positive one on 19*th March i guess!

*Morpheous to Neo - There is a difference in knowing the path and .............walking the path!! 19th march is first-n-last shot at GMAT!! Hmmmmmmmmmm