Saturday, December 05, 2015

Degrees of doing -> degrees of results!

Most of us have heard so many times in our lives - in books or lectures, workplace from your bosses, as a straight dictat that don't just try...make things happen!

I agree to the fact that yes, it is about degrees of action from degrees of drive and passion generating that kind of varied result. And you must have heard yourself also giving this Gyan statement to your subordinates or colleagues as well.

Just, step back and imagine yourself to be the person who is stating varying degrees of doing to his or her superior on being assigned a task -

I will try.
That's a very weak desire coming out to do the task. You seems incapable, uninterested and not at all looking like a finisher with a self force.Thus as a boss, i might feel that surety of task happening is a question. Thus, I should keep pushing you/cross checking again and again, else the task is in jeopardy!

Result - Micromanagement leading to further arguments and checks. Whether the task happens to satisfaction or not, environment to happen is already killed. And you, look like a pessimist, uninterested and incapable person.

I will do my best.
That's better. You appear a positive person confident of his skills and willing to give your best to the task. As a superior, I feel confident, less concerned and believer in the fact that task would happen and with a good quality levels. I will check less frequently and let you do your thing.

Result - Periodic review of work in a better environment leading to quality output. Both parties feel confident and professional and positive.

I will do it whatever it takes.
You already have the feeling! This is making things happen. Going beyond your roles or task territories with a single minded focus, getting all people/resources to kick in at the right times for the grand output.

Result - You appear super charged, champion of the task with safe hands and shoulders to treat it as you baby. As a superior, I feel wow! I would review things to add value to the output, stretching the creativity and making everything gigantically great! This is where 2 humans really use their power to make things as masterpieces, giving a meaning to human lives!

Let's watch our words, and work for any task personal or professional with the highest degree of action - whatever it takes and see how happy we would be! And results of what kind - you would feel it on the way!!