Friday, September 29, 2023

4️⃣ things you shouldn't ignore while building a product?


4️⃣ things you shouldn't ignore while building a product?

Here is some advice posted from time to time "when u r building new products" -

1. Ask what is the nth order result that a consumer wants from my product?

-Not a quarter inch drill bit for a hole, but to look good on zoom!

2. Ask whom to build a product for?

- Never build a product that will appeal to everyone!

3. Ask what could make my product remarkable?

- How about a purple cow in the sea of white and browns?

4. Ask what ingredients will make my product go viral?

-Its possible to do it while building the products vs thinking of viral marketing later!

Share, if this resonates with you or not?

#product #productmarketing #brand

pic credit - Tom Fishburne


I write regularly on consumer/ #marketing trends and habits/ productivity tips. Follow #runningmarketer

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