Colgate-Palmolive buys 14% stake in Bombay Shaving Company
This news caught my eyes, as why #Colgate is taking over a company with 16 cr of annual sales; that too in a company called Bombay Shaving Company. I mean, i see most people sporting beards these days; who shaves?
And then i realized from stats that its true. That the trend of beards is here, the shaving razors vol is growing by 6% vs 18% a few years ago. Though, a new category of beard care products like wax, oils etc is growing by 16%. I guess, even trimmers industry must be growing exponentially.
And that is the reason, most of men FMCG companies are buying or developing porfolio in this space. Be it #Marico buying stake in #Beardo or #Wipro consumer investing in Happily Unmarried (#Ustara).
And why not. Most of popular men in india are in the beard club. Be it Men in blue lead by #kohli (i guess 80%, follow the captain and have beards), bollywood actors (#Ranveer Singh)and models in advertising, all are in sync with this trend. And social media throws at you enough content on beard care, styling and so on.
Its been more than 1.5 yrs now, i havent shaved as well!
#consumer #trends