Sunday, May 03, 2020

WFH Collections, really?

#WFH collections, really?

There are news that fashion brands are coming up with Work from Home Collections keeping in mind the consumer needs when they are WFH. After having spent a decade in fashion retailing, i am putting my thoughts below on the topic.

I believe fashion retail is driven by a larger need of social proof. To define the taste we have, labels to tell how much we earn, and where we belong. Now, given social distancing has dented the need for social proof, its not dead.

We still sport social proof clothing for WFH, though more polos, more round necks rather than crisp shirts. For some, the logos on those polos will serve the need to make those hierarchy statements. Others, might sport 'Slogan Tees' to make thier point in resistance and so on.

But yes, comfort will take a higher precedence over trends. More for shorts than trousers. And yes, the thumb rule of 3:1 (top to bottom (trousers) ratio) might stretch to 4 or 5 given the screen limitation on video chat.

But will designs change, i mean a special line of clothing? I dont think so its more like using the popular term. The reason why i am writing about it also means that in times of covid, wfh collection catches attention and thus a chance for a consumer to at least look at a category which will be in extreme pressure. A larger question, is whether our need to keep refreshing our wardrobe from season to season, would that be needed? That will least for a while. Till we come back to normal with the end of #covid.

So, how can fashion industry wade thru these times? I think, there is a need to detach the industry from discretionary to more value. This would require ways and means to attach to fight against covid. Cause based approach wherein society at large can benefit immediately if people purchase now! Shop and then proceeds will enable a, b and c. Some way where consumer feels that shopping will help me with clothes but also do something for others. The freebies can be given away from the piles of inventory which would be unsellable after some time sitting in warehouses given there will be impact on demand in short term.

While quarantine has also stopped most engagememt calendars of fashion brands, still continued dialogue is needed with these brands talking about tips to deal with wfh, bringing stories that can up spirits of consumers, contribute to fight against covid with efforts around may be developing PPE for covid warriors and son.

These are the things that industry has to address rather than wfh collections as of now.

#fashion #apparel #retail #covid19 #wfh #comfort