These days i am suffering from a syndrome called lack of 'drive for anything'. Every now and then, time draws a blank against you and you sit dumbfounded :). its not the more-often-than-not-suggested 'Love Syndrome' as per bollywood thinkers. Its something grave. After some serious research, and the battle between the many school of thoughts was found that it is futile to do further the matter is simply an unending labyrinth. Excerpts from the research about the probable culprits -
1. A constant thread of 'Why I am here?' running against all the processes in your system!
2. Opportunity Cost of being here? Is this what all i dreamt of??
3. Is it about DREAM? Do you have one? Till this point it was about to do an MBA...from an IIM (thats what you were left with)..Ok. Now what??
4. 'Who am I?' - What is the ultimate role for which i have descended on this planet and whether i want to achieve anything?(As per the syllablus of one of the courses) If yes, then what?
5. No, its not about the job! Then what? Its becomes so simple if you tag something as the 'dream job' and here you go - you got the sole idea for being here at this hill station :). But why not job??
6. If not job...Then what? Are you here for 'enlightenment'?? huh.....dude then you are the ONE!!
Conclusion??? Dude, you need to define some constraints, decision variables, objective function...if you really wanna optimise for the reason of your existence here?? (dont sleep in class..i told you!)
Neverthless one conclusion i have is that...'Everytime i do introspection i come out confused(see below)!'
P.S. - The first picture of this post is just a 'hook' as told in class ;)