Showing posts with label ecommerce retail flipkart amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ecommerce retail flipkart amazon. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Ecommerce in India will ever make money?

#Ecommerce is on a high, but will it ever make money? Will investors keep putting in money in enterprises which sell similar products at throw away prices with similar delivery/site experiences?

My take - A #differentiation/price premium game or A #volume/low price game.

First one is about that factor that competition cant copy (hard to find - CoD, Ppl, Tech, Selection all copied) & lets you scale up bcoz competition cant deliver it.

2nd one is what is happening in the indian horizontals. Leading to a game between top 2  #Homegrown Vs #Global. Scaling to be the biggest fastest to keep the challenge. But consumer doesnt care if x or y, till the need gets over. As volume game is commodities. This will end till the money is over as the article says.

But what is the differentiation in a horizontal play? Building private labels that are big drivers (Echo/Roadster). Building exclusive tieups which are strategic and long term (mi or one+). Building additional services around the common core which differentiates ( prime video or a loyalty pgm with offline experiences).

How about offline connection which is strategic and long term across all categories? Online/Offline - #OneRetailerNetwork!!

A dated article below but insightful.