Privileged to attend a session on intelligent leadership by coach of steve jobs, Mr John Mattone today at #ETSalesStrategySummit in Mumbai. Some gems from his session -
1. To succeed, Think #different and Think #Big. Success in terms of leaving a legacy.
2. Leaving a #legacy is possible when u switch to being #vulnerable, which means to lead and interact with open #heart and have the courage to touch others soul to leave a mark.
3. #Character being more important than anything else. Its by being a good human being u get the best out of this world.
4. Dont focus on weaknesses, focus on gifts and #strengths and keep working on them. Those gifts are your means to left a mark in the world. Dont get into comfort zones of ur strengths also. A sachin practices everyday.
5. Be #courageous in pursuits. Be #passionates, nobody remebers a calculated leader!
6. Take #feedback in. Course correct. To keep getting out of your echo chambers and comfort zones.
7. Feel #privileged. Always be in the #present. Connect with people to enrich them and get enriched.
#leadership #stevejobs #johnmattone