Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Is your product a must-have?

Picked up a book recently - 'Hacking Growth' by Morgan Brown & Sean Ellis to decode this popular term. The book explains it as 'Creative growth strategies executed at low budgets to acquire or retain consumers, applied with a multi-functional lens - marketing, product, tech and what not'; rather than just plain hashtagJugaad'. The book explains various steps on how to get started on GH. One of the steps which is peculiar and important in today's times of hashtagcovid19 (when a lot of services are under lockdown), is to assess whether your product or app is a MUST-HAVE. What is a hashtagmusthave hashtagproduct? A product that brings an AHA moment for hashtagconsumers; the moment where utility of the product really clicks. For eg, for Uber it is 'the cab reaching you at a click of a button' or 'finding friends' photos and updates instantly' for Fb. So, how to find that your product is must have? Do a MUST-HAVE Survey with your customers & ask - How disappointed would you be if this product no longer existed tomorrow? 1 Very disappointed 2 Somewhat disappointed 3 Not disappointed 4 N/A—I no longer use it. If 40 percent or more of responses are very disappointed, then the product is a must-have! Its an interesting read and i recommend it. Which hashtagbook on hashtagMarketing do you recommend?

Will our habits change post covid lockdown?

The world would never be same post hashtagcovid given our habits will change. Habits require a min of 21 days to develop while we seem to have much more! As hashtagconsumers, we have changed so much in last few weeks. Our time spent on screens has skyrocketed. We are trying hashtagdigital variations of various old world necessities already – a) Epapers over physical Newspapers/magazines b) Fitness Videos/Live sessions Vs a gym c) Cooking food via online videos Vs ordering food d) Watching user generated content over social media Vs proper content e) Reading/listening to hashtagdigitalbooks Vs physical books
f) Watching new genres of hashtagOTT content Vs Cable because of lack of fresh GEC content All this will have some retention effect as we come out of hashtaglockdown & thus brands are pivoting to add value to user experience in this period – 1. hashtagYouTube changed its metrics of views from millions/billions to Lakhs/Crores. 2. hashtagLinkedIn has added new features including ‘Featured Content’ 3. Many digital reading apps have given free trials for weeks/months – hashtagKindle, hashtagBlinkist. 4. Education Content brands offering free classes/content – hashtagByjus, Amar Chitra Katha. Are you seeing any changes in your hashtaghabits in this hashtaglockdown with adoption of a particular app/product or service? Which one?

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Story of Icecream, Candle and Oxygen mask!

In life, there is a dimension of selfishness we need and selflessness as well for an everlasting happiness.

In the book, Life's Amazing Secrets, author and monk Gopal Gaur brings in a comparison with icecream, candle and oxygen mask.

Icecream melts. U have to finish it fast before it melts.  Savour till it lasts. Thats selfishness.

Candle also melts. But it has an obejective to share light and dispell the darkness. It can even rekindle light onto other candles. Thats selflessness.

But these are extremes. Most of the times we are in between, but still shouldnt we ditch self savouriness of an icecreams in our lives always?

No, thats where oxygen mask comes in. As u listen to the safety instructions on a flight, u can hear that first u put oxygen mask on urself before u help others! Why?

Until and unless u put oxygen mask on urself, u wouldnt be able to help at all. To share ur happiness u need to happy first. To share wealth with others, u need to have wealth first.

Thus, we need to figure out our means first and be happy or work towards savouring this journey called life. And then, along the way we need to work at social contribution to further accentuate the taste of life.