Saturday, August 27, 2022

Obsession with KPIs - Popular Post from Linkedin.

Obsession with #KPIs

In my personal experience across companies, there is this madness to track everything. You will find a dashboard with lots of colours, shapes and trend charts showing slices and dices of data.

Somebody said - " Whatever gets measured, gets done". Very rightly pointed out, given until we measure we wouldn't know how good or bad e are doing. Then only you can apply resources to improve!

But, there is this concept of 'Efficiency' and 'Effectiveness', i think Peter Drucker mentioned this in his milestone book 'The effective Executive'. 

#Efficiency is how well a process or task is getting executed. For eg, Making a product in part in a factory is taking XX minutes at YY rupees cost.

#Effectiveness is about assessing whether that part is needed in great supply or at lowest cost at all, given its a part which is not a bottleneck at all to push production!

Having KPIs to just keep tracking efficiency is a drain on resources and direction for entire org. Keeping minimal but effective metrics is essential for entire org to keep thier focus on those few that are effective and matter the most.

Another concept that Amazon prescribes is the #input metrics tracking apart from output metrics. Until we track what all we are putting in (say spends in media, hrs in training, points of distribution..), outcomes of sales wouldn't happen! 

Infact, Input metrics tracking is the holy grail of KPIs and Dashboards!

Any other concepts you picked around KPIs?

credits for cartoon - Tom Fishburne 

#growth #analytics #data

Apply the art of Storytelling. Everywhere.

Classic Fairytales > #Data & Spreadsheets

I was teaching my son the following expression in algebra -
x(y+3)= xy+3x,
however he was only multiplying x with y and leaving 3 separate. I told him multiple times via logic, bodmas etc but he kept repeating the same mistake.

Then my wife told him a story - A guest is ringing a doorbell of house, he is standing out of the house(x). In the house, y and 3 stay together (y+3). When they open the door(brackets), both y and 3 meet the guest x (multiplication) and they spend good fun time together.

The result was astonishingly strong, he didn’t do any further mistake! I realised the power of storytelling even in algebra.

Similarily at work or in life, it’s important to harness the power of #storytelling vs keep sticking to spreadsheets. Now, more and more organisations are switching to #narrative  writing vs power points or just tables as exemplified by Amazon  with the doc writing that crystallises everything from mind to the 6 pager what, why, how, who etc).

And to learn from classical fairy tales, there is always this broad structure at work as well-

- Beginning - Once upon a time | Market was like this…
- Context - There was a king and queen | We did a,b and c
- Problem - But they were sad because of | however the kpis didn’t move
- Solution - Then the hero did this | Then we took actions x,y,z
- Evaluation - And they lived happily ever after | Resulted in kpi movement
- Moral of Story - Learning | Learning’s and way forward

Do you have more such insights out of plain logic vs #stories experiments?

Get Drunk with Happy Harmones!

Got drunk in the morning ever?
I do. Regularly.

With Happy Hormones!

Yes. I am back on running track in between with cult classes. Ran 50km for July; good start after a hiatus. Loving the happy hormones rush through the day to keep me full of life! Once done in morning, you are drunk through the day with energy!

As you know, Hormones are produced by human body after certain activities. Certain hormones are known to help promote positive feelings, including happiness and pleasure.These “happy hormones” include:

Dopamine. Also known as the “feel-good” hormone.

Serotonin. This hormone helps regulate your mood as well as your sleep, appetite, digestion, learning ability, and memory.

Oxytocin.This hormone can also help promote trust, empathy, and bonding in relationships.

Endorphins. Endorphins are your body’s natural pain reliever, which your body produces in response to stress or discomfort. 

Try a 20-30 min morning physical activity for 21 days; i bet you will feel a lot more alive and addicted more than any alcohol to keep doing the same thing everyday. It’s been 7 years since I embraced running and it has turned my life upside down - from how I weigh to how energised I am thru the day to an entire identity it has given me! 

As world famous Dilbert cartoonist says - We should not get drained by time management or task prioritisation tactics, we need to do energy management as with high levels of energy, we can tore down a big task in less time vs otherwise.

Have you experienced such happy harmones already? 

In running circles, it’s said - When u feel bored or tired, u go for a run! Contrary to popular belief of ‘Running long distances will drain you’, it is actually energising and for me it’s like #Meditation. 

Try it!

#life #health #work #management #tip

Never Ending Money + Kids

Concept of "Never ending #Money"!

In discussions with kids of today, few interesting insights came across about money. The thing most run after in life -

1. Getting Money is very Easy.
2. And its unending!

How? When i asked kids-

1. We just have to go to ATM, insert card and get money. We can get as many times we want, Papa/Mummy does the same!πŸ˜‚

Another kid showing greater wisdom no -

2. Even, going to ATM is also not needed. Its through UPI in mobile. Just scan the code anywhere and you can buy anything! πŸ˜…

And when asked about -
why you need so many pens at one go?
why throw the pen away if it runs out?
Why not use a refill?

The answers was -
3. What is a refill?😭
4. Order from Amazon it will come by tomorrow!

With such definitions, I felt we need to bring in offline money and teach them value of money. One of the perils of using online money is weakening of mathematical skills. You dont need to subtract on how much money, the shopkeeper should return!!

My takeaway with small kids immersion as parent -

1. Get kids do the offline transaction at say self serve food counters where they need to order with real notes & bring back receipt and change.
2. Get them to manage a monthly budget for thier own stuff and do reconciliation at end of month.
3. Use refills and ration the pens per usage.
4. When something runs out, send them to offline shop to purchase the single pen/eraser needed to teach them value of 'physical effort' to get things.

Being part of Tech/ecommerce industry, i know its quite contrary to what we do - bringing convenience with doorstep delivery. 

But kids need to understand that the delivery wale bhaiya is replacing your effort to acquire things...and they should do the same to understand life! 

#insights #parenting #life #ecommerce

Language Market Fit

Language Market Fit

To achieve product market fit, there is also an element of language market fit. Apart from how superbly product is solving a consumer need, if the way it is communicated to consumers (which confuses or doesnt resonate) is key to achieving #PMF.

This concept is closer to #positioning in classical #marketing.

In a lot of categories which are very new, how we position our product kills or puts product on an upward spiral.

 Here are 3 examples of how 3 key products communicated themselves in a 
fantastic way...coming from milestone companies! 

Not fit - A simple portable mp3 players with XXX MB memory for loads of songs, XX Mhz processor for speed & minimal switches.
Fit - 1000 songs in your Pocket!

Not fit - A modern portable device with XX GB memory & long lasting charge to store thousands of books to read whenever wherever & with whispernet you can start reading new books in under 60 seconds.
Fit - Take your book library with you!

Not fit - Upload your videos.
Fit - Broadcast Youself.

Guessed them right?

Ipod, Kindle, YouTube.

Runner's Update - 6000kms Up.

#Health post

Celebrating 6000kms on road, thanks to my legs and pairs of Nike.

This creative from Nike sums up everything a runner experiences. 

Shoes giving life like lungs to us!

A runner thinks like this -

When in distress, go for a run (Meditation)

When tired, go for a run 

When in anger, go for a run

When looking for answers, go for a run

When bored, go for a run

When want to workout, go for a run

and so on...

But always...
Run, walk or crawl...just keep moving

#running #life 

TikTok's Swiping Up - The new cocaine

‘Swiping up’ - the latest habit difficult to undo.

#TikTok, the inventor of the short video format on social, developed this swiping up feature. And that drove its popularity by leaps and bounds.

When Tik Tok was banned in India, it already had 190 million app downloads. Globally, it already beats YouTube in the number of hours that viewers spend on its platform. By the end of 2022, it is expected to have 1.8 billion users bringing it much closer to Instagram.

#Instagram reached two billion active users in Q3 2021. It is on track to reach 2.5 billion by 2023. The popular feature ‘Reels’ was copied from TikTok.

#YouTube and then even #Facebook launched short videos with same swiping up feature.

While Facebook overall is struggling on user growth, the video format is helping to keep pace with other platforms to retain attention of users.

YouTube too, has seen the consumer behaviour changing to shorter version and has ‘Shorts’.

So, why is this short video growing like a drug?

Because it’s entertainment at a swipe. Random videos that platform suggests to cater to this human need to ‘run away when bored’. And swiping up is super easy!

And if I don’t like first video, I will swipe to second and third and fourth…remember TV channel surfing habit of yesteryear’s ?

Now, here is what shocked me.

I saw kids aged under 10, using YouTube shorts. So, when parents want them to eat or give them some gratification time with mobile, this is what they do. They swipe. Mindlessly. From one video to another.

When asked, why do you like these videos?
Because they are funny & small.

Why have you subscribed so many random channels?
People in video told me to subscribe now if you want to get A or dont want A.

For eg, one so called influencer says ‘ subscribe if you like your parents’. This I found disgusting.

In videos these folks, use kids placating tactics with some reference to cartoon character or rhymes to push thier content to more such easy targets & get more followers!

Obviously, kids shouldnt have access to mobiles and even social. But reality is that kids do access youtube on most parents mobiles or even TVs. Its a big menace - swiping up!


#marketing #socialmedia

Sunday, August 07, 2022

Chess - A Teacher for Life

Chess: A teacher for life?

With so much happening around wrt 'India hosting Chess Olympiads' for the first time; its good to see dailies covering the event with greater coverage.

India (the inventor of the game) is actually has become a country of cricket; but offlate few events have started showing positive signs on increasing adoption (16 yr old Praggnanandha beating Magnus Carlsen, Kids picking chess during covid when outdoors were out, a series on chess (Queen's Gambit) bringing back interest in the game).

As a parent (of an interested chess player), I found a few great gems on how Chess is a great teacher on life lessons. Here are a few -

1. Its not about #power all the time- More powerful pieces on the board Vs opponent dont necessarily ensure victory. You might have lost your queen but you can even do mates with 2 knights. Its how you apply yourself basis the curve balls the enemy is throwing. Same goes for life - Not always the 'Obvious one' becomes successful in life.

2. It teaches you to be #humble - You cant brag your way to victory. Its a game of immense focus and concentration. Despite strong positions, overconfidence can lead to one game-changing mistake against an opponent with weak material. Such losses make you humble! In this game, a pawn stays humble; and it gets the fruit of #patience till it survives and reaches the other end to transform into a Queen.

3. Foundational starts - The game teaches you to begin in such a manner that you open up your structure in such a way that you develop your pieces and gain as much ground in front while keeping your core strong (king safe). This foundational play is essential for higher chances of success. Teaching us how its important to build from #basics and not just sprint; but do a thoughtful marathon.

4. Create Opportunities if you dont have one (You cant just wait for opponent to commit mistakes but make moves which can open the doors for you to win). In life, you are the master of your sail; you just dont wait for wind but steer to where you want to go. #Invent and think on your feet to win.

#Chess #Life

Never Ending Money!

Concept of "Never ending #Money"!

In discussions with kids of today, few interesting insights came across about money. The thing most run after in life -

1. Getting Money is very Easy.
2. And its unending!

How? When i asked kids-

1. We just have to go to ATM, insert card and get money. We can get as many times we want, Papa/Mummy does the same!πŸ˜‚

Another kid showing greater wisdom no -

2. Even, going to ATM is also not needed. Its through UPI in mobile. Just scan the code anywhere and you can buy anything! πŸ˜…

And when asked about -
why you need so many pens at one go?
why throw the pen away if it runs out?
Why not use a refill?

The answers was -
3. What is a refill?😭
4. Order from Amazon  it will come by tomorrow!

With such definitions, I felt we need to bring in offline money and teach them value of money. One of the perils of using online money is weakening of mathematical skills. You dont need to subtract on how much money, the shopkeeper should return!!

My takeaway with small kids immersion as parent -

1. Get kids do the offline transaction at say self serve food counters where they need to order with real notes & bring back receipt and change.
2. Get them to manage a monthly budget for thier own stuff and do reconciliation at end of month.
3. Use refills and ration the pens per usage.
4. When something runs out, send them to offline shop to purchase the single pen/eraser needed to teach them value of 'physical effort' to get things.

Being part of Tech/ecommerce industry, i know its quite contrary to what we do - bringing convenience with doorstep delivery.

But kids need to understand that the delivery wale bhaiya is replacing your effort to acquire things...and they should do the same to understand life!

#insights #parenting #life #ecommerce