Wednesday, September 16, 2020

True Marketing is simple.

In this digital world today, a lot is being invented and talked about as the next big thing in marketing. #digitalmarketing, #contentmarketing, #socialmediamarketing #Momentmarketing and so on.

While this could mean a lot of complexity for beginners or non-marketers; ultimately these are all variations of core concepts of marketing in upcoming media types. A piece of communication gets modified basis type of media (TV, FB, YT etc), basis behaviour of users on that platform (time spent, screen size..), and so on.

To bring #simplicity to this madness, this excerpt from #SethGodin's book 'This is Marketing' captures 'What is Marketing' in 5 steps -

1. To invent a thing worth making, with a story worth telling, and a contribution worth talking about.

2. To design & build it in a way that a few people will particularly benefit from and care about.

3. To tell a story that matches the built-in narrative & dreams of that tiny group of people, the smallest viable market.

4. To spread the word.

5. Last step is often overlooked: show up—regularly, consistently, and generously, for years —to organize, lead & build confidence in the change you seek to make.

Above all, best #marketing is supposed to be #simple - for consumers as well as marketers.


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