With 'Running' as a developed passion, this 'marketer' pens his thoughts around all things consumer & marketing + habits/productivity tips on this blog.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Book Review - Good to Great by Jim Collins
How to remember things for ever?
How to learn, to apply forever?
‘Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.’ – Benjamin Franklin
We all accept that learning is the no 1 #skill to grow - in #life, #career; everywhere. But have you thought about right model of learning? Learning that sticks with you, vs a hazy memory that I did read something about this but currently it’s failing me. Learning should result in a skill adoption that doesn’t require conscious thinking - like in case of riding a cycle. Once you learn it with deliberate practise, next time you just need a cycle and your brain takes over.
A model by trio authors (McDaniel, Roediger and Brown) of ‘Made to Stick’ suggest 3 steps to such learning -
1. ‘Encoding’ - is the first stage which is about conversion of perceptions into meaningful patterns in the brain. Like drawing rough sketches in the brain, giving you a hazy silhouette of what you are trying to learn.
2. ‘Consolidation’ - is like the process of tidying up the notes you scribbled during class—typing them up neatly in a document, adding examples and charts for clarity. With this stage, brain strengthens the hazy silhouette by rearranging the earlier patterns to make sense of them.
3. ‘Retrieval’ - is accessing the learnt information using cues that help us recall it. Methods such as quizzing on the material, teaching the concept to someone else or applying in a real-life situation help strengthen this stage. Every time we retrieve and apply what we have learnt, the skill and associated memory become stronger until it is almost effortless.
So, now you have a model to learn sth for permanency!
If you realise, my #linkedin posts are part of the stage 3 of this model. And that’s how small efforts like posts, add to my #learning!
Thanks for being my audience and helping me learn, everyday. 🙏
50 years of Eno in India - From antigas to dhokhla
Heart & Soul of a brand?
Why do you check that app frequently?
Book Review - The great mental models by Shane Parrish
Should brands bow down for advising a story of change?
Should brands bow down for advising a story of change?
Brands tell stories.
Stories that reflect the society at times, and stories that defy the society.
Ultimately storied to land a message - might be aligned to existing norms of the society, or might be suggesting a change.
Change to break away. And start something new.
Change is difficult. But change is the only constant. Change at times, or most of the times is progress. Or at least a strong effort to think different.
However, there are things which nobody would want to change. And things which are open to be thought of at least.
Who decides that? Audience does.
And that’s why -
A section of audience would like the way current things are.
A section will like a new and fresh thinking.
Some will boycott. Some will not.
Some will remember the brand for pushing boundaries and challenge status quo. Some will hate it for doing it.
But brands need to stand by thier narratives and stories. Not bow down under pressure.
I remember Nike’s ad on taking a stand around racism by bringing -Colin Kaepernick, an outcast American football player and civil rights activist .
Despite pressures from media and thier share price going down under furore - Did they take it off? No
Did the brand wither away? No. It’s stands stronger. And I guess that’s fans expected from thier brand that is thier mentor on pushing human limits around athletics.
What do you think from a #brand perspective?
#marketing #advertising
PS - The recent AUFinanceBank Ad featuring Aamir & Kiara talks about groom entering the bride’s house after wedding for Pelham Kadam vs bride. Earlier, Manyavar had a narrative around kanyadan. Tanishq had one talking about adoption of cross-religion customs.
Metaverse - a fad?
Brand Signage stunts- from Lucy Pizza to NolhtaceD?
New Modern Sarees from Tata, Birla & Ambani
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