Sunday, October 23, 2022

Heart & Soul of a brand?

Heart & Soul of a brand?

1. Belong anywhere
2. Authentic Athletic Performance
3. Fun Family Entertainment
4. Rewarding Everyday Moments
5. Everyday low prices

Do these phrases ring any brand names in your mind?

These phrases or group of words are never shown in public or to the customers.

Marketers first craft thier brand strategy (a few frameworks to define positioning, persona, etc).

Then apply thier toolkit of ATL, BTL & 360 degree touchpoint experience to evoke this feeling or impression in minds of customers aligned to these phrases.

These phrases are called the heart & soul of the brand. Also called as #BrandEssence. 

We as marketers even look at each image/copy/video and assess whether the outcome thought/feeling after seeing/reading; lands there most of the times - in those group of words.

We ponder questions like -

Do a bunch of boys in the shot generate a feeling of friends having fun or they are just a group?

Do the shoe video talking about the show or the feeling of 'doing sth' when you wear it?

Does the store ambience and lighting evoke seclusion or friendliness? Dark & yellow or Bright & White?

And so on.

If as marketers, we can evoke this feeling in mind & heart of the customers, which is = heart & soul of the brand. We feel on the top of the world!!

#marketing #positioning #brand 

PS - Did you got all 5 brands right?

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